About Dr. Hin
Institut National Polytechnique of Grenoble, France: Ph.D. Service de Recherche de Métallurgie Physique at CEA Saclay
- Dean's Award for Excellence for 2015
- CEA (Atomic Energy Commissariat) Ph.D. Fellowship
- Duly elected a full member by the MIT chapter of the Society SigmaXi.
- Visiting Professor (Sabbatical) at Atomic Energy Commissariat, France. (2019-Present)
- Associate Professor at Virginia Tech (August 2017-Present)
- Department of Materials Science and Engineering
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Nuclear Engineering Program
- (about $3M of funding. $1.6M as a PI. Average of 6 papers per grant)
- Assistant Professor at Virginia Tech (August 2011-August 2017)
- Department of Materials Science and Engineering
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Nuclear Engineering Program
- Virginia Tech, Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Irradiation Effects on Nuclear Materials (Graduate), Lecturer (Spring 2013-2020).
- Virginia Tech, Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Introduction to the Thermal-Fluid Engineering (Undergraduate), Lecturer (Spring 2015, Spring 2018).
- Virginia Tech, Department of Materials Science and Engineering
- Fundamental of Materials Science (Undergraduate), Lecturer (Fall 2014).
- Virginia Tech, Department of Materials Science and Engineering
- Nuclear Materials (Undergraduate/Graduate), Lecturer (Fall 2011-2020).
- Y. Zhao, A. Kumar, C. Hin, S. Priya. The chapter is entitled “Nanoscale Self-Assembled Oxide Bulk Thermoelectrics”. Handbook on nanostructured materials, to be published by Springer in 2014.
- C. Hin. The chapter is entitled “Nanostructured Ferritic Alloys as Future Materials for Generation IV and Fusion Reactors” for a book entitled “Microalloying: Concepts, Processes and Applications”. (2011, Nova publishers).
Main Papers:
- S.C. Middlemas, M.C. Marshall, C.A. Adkins, K.R. Tolman, M.T. Benson, C. Hin. Effects of intermetallic compounds on the thermophysical properties of uranium-palladium alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 850, 156664 (2021).
- M. Mock, P. Stein, C. Hin, K. Albe. Modeling the influence of strain fields around precipitates on defect equilibria and kinetics under irradiation I ODS steels: a multi scale approach. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 527, 151807 (2019).
- J. Huang, F. Lin, C. Hin. Toward a unified theory correlating electronic, thermodynamic, and mechanical properties at defective Al/SiO2 nanodevice interfaces: an application to dielectric breakdown. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2 (11), 6836 (2019).
- J. Huang, F. Lin, C. Hin. Density functional theory approach to determine band offsets and dielectric breakdown properties across metal/crystal oxide and metal/amorphous oxide interfaces: a case study of Al/SiO2. Applied Surface Science, 483, 616 (2019).
- C. Nellis, T. Danielson, A. Savara, C. Hin. F-T-Pj: An Adjacent-Rolling-Windows Based Steady-State Detection Technique for Application to Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations. Computer Physics Communications, 232, 124 (2018).
- C. Nellis, C. Hin, A. Savara. The relation and a simple method to predict how many data points are needed for relevant steady-state detection. AIChE Journal, 64 (9), 3354 (2018).
- F. Lin, J. Huang, C. Hin. Electron transport from quantum kinetic Monte Carlo simulations. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122 (35), 20550 (2018).
- S. Zhou, R. Jacob, E. Tea, C. Hin, D. Morgan. Combined ab initio and empirical model of the thermal conductivity of uranium, uranium-zirconium, and uranium-molybdenum. Physical Review Materials, 2(8), 083401 (2018).
- S. Zhou, R. Jacob, E. Tea, C. Hin, D. Morgan. Physics-based computational modeling of alpha-uranium thermal conductivity. Transactions, 118 (1), 1530 (2018).
- Li, M. von Spakovsky, C. Hin. Steepest entropy ascent quantum thermodynamic model of electron and phonon transport. Physical Review B, 97 (2), 024308 (2018).
- T. Danielson, C. Hin, A. Savara. SQERTSS: Dynamic Rank Based Throttling of Transition Probabilities in Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations. Computer Physics Communications, 219, 149-163 (2017).
- E. Tea, J. Huang, G. Li, C. Hin. Atomic bonding and electrical potential at metal/oxide interfaces, a first principle study. Journal Chemical Physics Communication, 146(12), 124706 (2017).
- J. Huang, E. Tea, G. Li, C. Hin. Chemical and electronic properties of the hydrogen impurity at metal oxide interface: An ab initio study. Applied Surface Science, 406, 126 (2017).
- C. Nellis, C. Hin. Radiation induced segregation in quaternary Fe-Ti-Y-O alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 701, 82 (2017).
- T. Danielson, C. Hin, A. Savara. Generalized Adsorption Isotherms for Molecular and Dissociative Adsorption of a Polar Molecular Species on Two Polar Surface Geometries: Perovskite (100) (Pm-3m) and Fluorite (111) (Fm-3m). Journal of Chemical Physics, 145 (6), 064705 (2016).
- T. Danielson, E. Tea, C. Hin. Investigation of Helium at a Y2Ti2O7 Nanocluster Embedded in a BCC Fe Matrix. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics with revisions, 18, 30128 (2016).
- E. Tea, C. Hin. Charge carrier transport and lifetimes in n-type and p-type phosphorene as 2D device active material: an ab initio study. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18, 22706-22711 (2016).
- T. Danielson, E. Tea, C. Hin. Ab Initio investigation of helium in Y2Ti2O7: mobility and effects of mechanical properties. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 477, 215-221(2016).
- S. Gur, T. Danielson, Q. Xiong, C. Hin, S. Pannala, C. S. Daw, A. Savara, G. Frantqiskonis. Wavelet-Based Surrogate Time Series for Multiscale Simulation of Heterogeneous Catalysis. Journal of Chemical Physics, 144, 165-175 (2016).
- E. Tea, J. Huang, C. Hin. First principles study of band line up at defective metal-oxide interface: oxygen vacancy at Al/SiO2 interface. Journal of Physics D: Appl. Phys., 49, 095304 (2015).
- T. Danielson, E. Tea, C. Hin. First-principles investigation of helium in Y2O3. Journal of Physics D: Appl. Phys., 49, 065301 (2016).
- T. Danielson and C. Hin. Ab initio investigation of helium interstitials in Y2Ti2O7: kinetics and bulk moduli. Annals of Materials Science & Engineering, 2 (2), 1026, (2015). Invited manuscript.
- S. Venkatapathi, B. Dong, C. Hin. Temperature effects on the energy band gap and conductivity effective masses of charge carriers in lead telluride from first-principles calculations. Journal of Applied Physics, 116 (1), 013708, (2014).
- T. Danielson and C. Hin. Structural and electronic effects of helium interstitials in Y2Ti2O7: A first-principles study. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 452, 189-196 (2014).
- G. V. Gibbs, D. Wang, C. Hin, N. L. Ross, D. F. Cox, T. D. Crawford, M. A. Spackman, and R. J. Angel. Properties of atoms under pressure: Bonded interactions of the atoms in three perovskites, Journal of Chemical Physics, 137, 164313 (2012).
- C. Hin, J. B. Neaton, J. Lepinoux, M. Dresselhaus. From the interface energy to the solubility limit of aluminium in nickel from first-principles. Materials Science and Engineering: B, 176 (9), 767 (2011).
- C. Hin. Kinetic of lithium ions intercalation into a LixFePO4 electrode using kinetic Monte Carlo method. Advanced Functional Materials, 21 (13), 2477 (2011).
- C. Hin, B.D. Wirth. Formation of oxide nanoclusters in nanostructured ferritic alloys during anisothermal heat treatment. Materials Science and Engineering A, 528 (4-5), 2056 (2011).
- C. Hin, M. Dresselhaus, G. Chen. Vacancy clustering and diffusion in heavily P doped Applied Physics Letters, 97, 251909 (2010).
- C. Hin, B.D. Wirth. Formation of Y2O3 nanoclusters in nanostructured ferritic alloys: Modelling of precipitation kinetics and yield stress. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 402, 30 (2010).
- C. Hin, B.D. Wirth, J.B. Neaton. Formation of Y2O3 nanoclusters in nanostructured ferritic alloys studied by kinetic Monte Carlo simulations. Physical Review B, 80, 134118 (2009). This article has been selected for the November 2, 2009 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.
- C. Hin. Kinetics of heterogeneous precipitation of Ni3Al in Nickel at Σ5 grain boundary. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 42, 225309 (2009).
- C. Hin, Y. Bréchet, P. Maugis, F. Soisson. Kinetics of heterogeneous precipitation of NbC in alpha-iron at grain boundary. Acta Materialia, 56, 5653 (2008).
- C. Hin, Y. Bréchet, P. Maugis, F. Soisson. Kinetics of heterogeneous dislocation precipitation of NbC in alpha-iron. Acta Materialia, 56, 5535 (2008).
- C. Hin, Y. Bréchet, P. Maugis, F. Soisson. Heterogeneous precipitation on dislocations: effect of the elastic field on precipitate morphology. Philosophical Magazine, 88 (10), 1555 (2008).
- E. Clouet, C. Hin, D. Gendt, M. Nastar, F. Soisson. Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of precipitation. Advanced Engineering Materials, 8 (12), 1210 (2006).
- S.C. Middlemas, M.C. Marshall, C.A. Adkins, K.R. Tolman, M.T. Benson, C. Hin. Effects of intermetallic compounds on the thermophysical properties of uranium-palladium alloys.
- Chaired sessions at the International Symposium on Plasticity. Puerto Rico (USA, January 2018).
- Co-organized and the TMS 2017 conference with a symposium on nanostructured materials under irradiation (San Diego, February 2017).
- Co-organized the 10th Energy Harvesting Workshop (Virginia, September 2015).
- Co-organized the 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 24rd international conferences on nuclear engineering (ASME 2012, ASME 2013, ASME 2014, ASME 2015, ASME 2016).
- Created a special symposium called “Materials for Nuclear Application” at the 19th international conference on composites/nano engineering (China, Shanghai, July 2011).
- Created a special symposium called “Materials for Nuclear Application” at the 20th international conference on composites/nano engineering (China, Shanghai, July 2012).
- Chaired a session at the 19th international conference on composites/nano engineering (China, Shanghai, July 2011).
- Joined the conference TPC committee for the up-coming 2011 World Congress on Engineering and Technology (Shanghai from Oct. 28-30, 2011).
Invited talks and Keynote Lectures:
- 3 invited talks and 1 keynote cancelled in 2020.
- THERMEC’2018. France (July 2018). Nanostructured Materials for Nuclear Energy Applications.
- International Symposium on Plasticity. Puerto Rico (USA, January 2018). Nanostructured Materials for Nuclear Energy Applications.
- FiMPART 2017. France (July 2017). Kinetic Mote Carlo Simulation of radiation-induced segregation in quaternary Fe-Ti- Y-O.
- THERMEC’2015. Austria (June 2016). He interaction at the interface between Y2Ti2O7 and Ferrite.
- International Symposium on Plasticity. Hawaii (USA, January 2016). He interaction at the interface between Y2Ti2O7 and Ferrite.
- THERMEC’2013. Las Vegas (USA, NV, December 2013). He formation in nanostructured ferritic alloys by First-principles calculations.
- 19th International conference on composites/nano engineering. Shanghai (China, July2011). Formation of oxide nanoclusters in nanostructured ferritic alloys during anisothermal heat treatment.
- 1st International conference on composites and nanocomposites (India, Kottayam, January 2011). Nanostructured materials for energy applications.
- TMS2018. Phoenix (USA, AZ, March 2018). F. Lin, E. Tea, R. Jacobs, S. Zhou, D. Morgan, C. Hin. Thermal Conductivity of Uranium.
- TMS2018. Phoenix (USA, AZ, March 2018). C. Nellis, C. Hin. Kinetic evolution of transmutation helium accumulation at Y-Ti-O oxides in nanostructured ferritic alloys under irradiation.
- MRS. Boston (USA, MA, December 2017). F. Lin, J. Huang, C. Hin. Advanced Understanding on Dielectric Breakdown from Quantum Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations.
- MRS. Boston (USA, MA, December 2017). J. Huang, F. Lin, C. Hin. Band Alignment of Metal/Amorphous-Oxide Interface Using Atomic Orbitals Projection of Plane-Wave—A First Principle Study at the Al/a-SiO2 Interface.
- MRS. Boston (USA, MA, December 2017). F. Lin, E. Tea, R. Jacobs, S. Zhou, D. Morgan, C. Hin. Thermal Conductivity of Uranium.
- TMS2017. San Diego (USA, CA February 2017). E. Tea, C. Hin. Thermal conductivity of Uranium.
- TMS2017. San Diego (USA, CA February 2017). C. Nellis, C. Hin. Kinetic Mote Carlo Simulation of radiation-induced segregation in quaternary Fe-Ti- Y-O.
- MRS. Boston (USA, MA, December 2016). E. Tea, C. Hin. Multiscale Model for Charge Carrier and Point Defect Transport.
- ICONE 24. Charlotte (USA, NC July 2016). T. Danielson, C. Hin. He interaction at the interface between Y2Ti2O7 and Ferrite.
- 251st ACS National Meeting & Exposition. San Diego (USA, CA March 2016). A. Savara, T. Danielson, C. Hin. Dynamic steady-state detection with throttling in lattice kinetic Monte Carlo to increase computational efficiency of spatial chemical kinetics simulations.
- MRS. Phoenix (USA, AZ March 2016). T. Danielson, A. Savara, C. Hin. Application of a dynamic steady-state detection algorithm to a complex reaction network kinetic Monte Carlo algorithm.
- MRS. Phoenix (USA, AZ March 2016). T. Danielson, E. Tea, C. Hin. Ab initio investigation of He bubbles at the oxide-Fe interface in nanostructured ferritic alloys.
- MRS. Phoenix (USA, AZ, March 2016) C. Nellis, C. Hin. Modeling Radiation Induced Segregation in Quaternary Fe-Ti-Y-O Alloy.
- APS. Baltimore (USA, MD, March 2016). T. Danielson, E. Tea, C. Hin. Ab initio investigation of He bubbles at the oxide-Fe interface in nanostructured ferritic alloys.
- APS. Baltimore (USA, MD, March 2016). J. Huang, E. Tea, C. Hin. Band alignment study on Al/SiO2 and Cu/SiO2 metal-oxide interface with the presence of point defect.
- MRS. Boston (USA, MA, December 2015). E. Tea, C. Hin. Non-radiative processes in phosphorene.
- MRS. Boston (USA, MA, December 2015). T. Danielson, A. Aditya, C. Hin. Application of a dynamic steady-state detection algorithm to increase computational efficiency of a complex reaction network kinetic Monte Carlo algorithm.
- MRS. Boston (USA, MA, December 2015). T. Danielson, E. Tea, C. Hin. Ab Initio investigation of He bubbles at the oxide-Fe interface in Nanostructured Ferritic Alloys.
- MRS. Boston (USA, MA, December 2015).C. Nellis, C. Hin. Modeling radiation induced segregation in Fe-Y-O alloys.
- 10th Energy Harvesting Workshop 2015 (Virginia, September 2015). J. Huang, E. Tea, C. Hin. Band alignment in metal-oxide interface Al/SiO2 in presence of defect.
- TMS. Orlando (USA, FL, March 2015). T. Danielson, E. Tea, C. Hin. He interaction at the interface between Y2Ti2O7 and Ferrite.
- APS. San Antonio (USA, TX, March 2015). T. Danielson, E. Tea, C. Hin. He interaction at the interface between Y2Ti2O7 and Ferrite.
- APS. San Antonio (USA, TX, March 2015). J. Huang, E. Tea, C. Hin. Effect of charge vacancies on band alignment at the interface between metal and oxide dielectric.
- MRS. Boston (USA, MA, December 2014). S. Venkatapathi, B. Dong, C. Hin. Electronic structure and thermoelectric properties in PbTe-SrTe alloys.
- MRS. Boston (USA, MA, December 2014). T. Danielson, C. Hin. Ab initio Investigation of Helium Interstitials in Y2Ti2O7: Kinetics and Bulk Moduli.
- MRS. Boston (USA, MA, December 2014). T. Danielson, C. Hin. He interaction at the interface between Y2Ti2O7 and Ferrite.
- ICONE 22. Prague (Czech Republic, July 2014). T. Danielson, C. Hin. He interaction at the interface between Y2Ti2O7 and Ferrite.
- MRS. Boston (USA, MA, December 2014). T. Danielson, C. Hin. He interaction with Y2Ti2O7.
- MRS. Boston (USA, MA, December 2010). C. Hin, G. Chen. M. Dresselhaus Electronic structure and thermoelectric properties in PbTe-Si alloys and at PbTe/Si Interface.
- MRS. Boston (USA, MA, December 2009). C. Hin, G. Chen. M. Dresselhaus. Kinetic path of precipitation in Si-Ge-P alloys studied by Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations.
- MRS. Boston (USA, MA, December 2008). C. Hin. Kinetic of lithium ions intercalation into a LixFePO4 electrode using kinetic Monte Carlo method.
- ICFRM13. Nice (France, December 2007). C. Hin. Formation of Y2O3 and TiO2 nanoclusters in nanostructured ferritic alloys by kinetic Monte Carlo simulations.
- MRS. Boston (USA, MA, November 2007). C. Hin. Formation of Y2O3 and TiO2 nanoclusters in nanostructured ferritic alloys by kinetic Monte Carlo simulations.
- EUROMAT. Nuremberg (Germany, September 2007). C. Hin. Kinetics of heterogeneous grain boundary precipitation of Ni3AL in Ni-Al alloys by Monte Carlo simulations.
- PTM (Solid-Solid Phase Transformation in Inorganic Materials). C. Hin, F. Soisson, Y. Brechet. Phoenix (USA, AZ, May 2005). Kinetics of heterogeneous grain boundary precipitation of NbC in α-iron.
- MRS Boston (USA, MA, December 2017). J. Huang, F. Lin, C. Hin A First-Principle Study of Oxygen Vacancy at the Al/a-SiO2 Interface.
- MRS Boston (USA, MA, December 2016). G. Li, C. Hin. Non-equilibrium Thermodynamic Model for Electron and Phonon Transport.
- MRS Boston (USA, MA, December 2016). G. Li, C. Hin. Thermodynamic Study of Point Defect Agglomeration at an Al/SiO2 Interface and Oxide Breakdown Mechanism.
- MRS Boston (USA, MA, December 2016). J. Huang, E. Tea, C. Hin. Gate Current and Potential Barrier Height at Defective Metal-Oxide: First Principles Study of H Atom Impurity and Oxygen Vacancy at Al/SiO2 Interfaces.
- APS, Baltimore (USA, MD, March 2016). J. Huang, E. Tea, C. Hin. Band alignment study on Al/SiO2 and Cu/SiO2 metal-oxide interface with the presence of point defect.
- APS, Baltimore (USA, MD, March 2016). J. Huang, E. Tea, C. Hin. Band alignment study on Al/SiO2 and Cu/SiO2 metal-oxide interface with the presence of H impurity and external electric field.
- MRS. Boston (USA, MA, December 2014). S. Venkatapath, C. Hin. Electronic structure and thermoelectric properties in PbTe alloys.
- Transformational Technologies in Molecular Simulations Workshop, University of Wisconsin – Madison (USA, June 2014). Helium Interstitials in Y2Ti2O7: A First-Principles Study.
- MRS Boston (USA, MA, November 2007). Kinetics of heterogeneous grain boundary precipitation of Ni3AL in Ni-Al alloys by Monte Carlo simulations.
- EUROMAT Nuremberg (Germany, September 2007). Formation of Y2O3 and TiO2 nanoclusters in nanostructured ferritic alloys by kinetic Monte Carlo simulations.
- DIMAT Cracow (Poland, July 2004). Kinetics of heterogeneous precipitation of NbC in alpha-iron at grain boundary.
- CEA Saclay (December 2019). What materials for energy applications.
- Ohio State University, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Nuclear Engineering (February 2014). Nanostructured materials for energy applications.
- CEA Saclay (April 2012). Nanostructured materials for energy applications.
- ORNL (October 2012). Nanostructured materials for energy applications.
- Virginia Tech, Department of Physics (October 2012). Nanostructured materials for energy applications.
- University of Marseille (April 2012). Nanostructured materials for energy applications.
- University of Darmstadt (May 2012). Nanostructured materials for energy applications.
- Ohio State University, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Nuclear Engineering (January 2011, May 2011). Nanostructured materials for energy applications.
- Developing a webinar on nuclear energy
- Review papers for different high impact factor journals (Nature, PRL, ACS nano …)
- Review proposals for NSF, DOE, and DOD
- Developing my own experimental lab to work on nuclear materials
- Involved in building the radiation facility at Virginia Tech with two neutron sources
- Involved in building the nuclear engineering program at Virginia Tech
- Member of the Nuclear Materials Committee for The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS)